The Different Types of Renewable Power

Can you name them all?

Everyone has heard of solar, or Solar Photovoltaic Technology ( SPV for short ) and the majority of clients are aware of wind power but what other options are there for renwable energy across the UK?

Hydro , Tidal , Geothermal and Biomass are just some of the more unknown options.

So what are the pros and cons of each energy type?

Keep up to date with our blog as we look at each technology in more detail over the next few weeks.

Not one size fits all. Only with a mix of technologies can we achieve our future net zero goals across the country, and what works for your site - for example a warehouse roof covered in solar panels - wont work for another site for example if your building sizes are small and land is covered in trees causing lots of shade roof or ground solar is unlikely to be affective

If you have a technology you’d like to know more about first let us know by emailing cheryl​

Cheryl Hudson

New to energy, I have been working hard and learning lots over the past 18 months working for Conserve Energy. It’s great sector to work in and I very much enjoy helping people reduce costs and develop their energy strategies. My favourite Renewable energy option is wave power as I live on the coast and truly appreciate the untapped energy of the sea.


We wish you all a very Cozy Christmas


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